Let’s Talk

Powerful workshops to build Equity and Inclusion.

The diversity of your organization has a profound impact on workplace culture, employee engagement, and retention.

Dr. Kevin is a master communicator and leads teams through these difficult, but necessary, conversations so that each person can start contribute toward building inclusive workplaces right down to the core.

His live and virtual workshops guide organizations to solve problems that address the whole of DE&I in talent management, team dynamics, leadership relationships, opportunities for growth, and many more.

Let’s Talk

Batteries Not Included: Powering Crucial Conversations

A lot of organizations just need a starting point.

Tough corporate conversations about inequity where we work, live, and learn can intimidate anyone. The toxicity of corporate environments surfaces when we talk host dialogue with no destination.

Highlights from this workshop:

  • Talking the “isms” of our world at work is simply unnatural.
  • Regular inclusive dialogue increases revenue while enriching culture.
  • Outline and personalize an Inclusion-first culture.
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The Inclusive Manager

Lopsided performance reviews and differential employee engagement hurt companies far worse than simply having no DE&I strategy. Dr. Kevin reimagines communication, incentives, and socialization to promote high-performance work environments.

Highlights from this workshop:

  • Train managers on how to enhance equity and mitigate challenges induced by racial conflict.
  • Establish culturally sensitive internal review metrics and processes that measure underrepresented groups.
  • Develop a sustainable crisis management plan for inclusion and diversity challenges.
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Winning Race Bootcamp

Geared for cross-functional project teams and leadership executives. Dr. Kevin Ahmaad Jenkins energizes, empowers, and educates using his award-winning approaches for adult learners. 

Highlights from this workshop:

  • Unpack caustic racial histories, contemporary experiences, and how to move inclusion forward. 
  • Foster a culture of transparency and support that Enhances corporate culture. 
  • sustainably and organically transform your organization. 
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