Let’s Talk

Recognize the signs of inequity and craft evidence-based solutions that bring equity to action.

Win When carves a roadmap to professional development through research, humor, and powerful storytelling.

Leaning on his past and present platforms, Dr. Kevin curated the best-practices of Black former professional athletes, veterans, and physicians that confronts, informs, and heals the consequences of bias in the corporate America.

Countless racial and ethnic minority employees share their struggles with race and identity in the workplace, the suffocation of success, and a looming fear of failure with no long-lasting DEI solutions.

Whether a teammate is unaware, indifferent, or ready to act, Win When, leverages necessary power, authentic empathy, and sustainable strategies to bringing equity to action.

This program can be tailored for corporate audiences, healthcare professionals, and athletes.

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Program Takeaways:

  • Understand the concepts of structural racism, inclusion & diversity, & health equity.
  • Interrogate how organizational culture shapes the motivation, scope, and execution of health equity.
  • Investigate the process and measurement of achieving racial equity through contemporary best practices.

Win When for Healthcare

Tackling how to treat the consequences of racism while rooting out its presence medical care and education can be difficult. DEI workshops continue to define racism without solutions on how deal with it as providers and employees.

This Win When for Healthcare Professionals keynote motivates clinicians, researchers, and healthcare executives on how to see the signs of inequity and craft evidence-based solutions that bring equity to action.

Dr. Jenkins delicately confronts the deadly “isms” that prevent quality care and public wellness. In addition, he addresses the impact the deadly structural “isms” have on delivering quality care to all.

Win When for

When the final buzzer sounds, will she be ready? After analyzing all the game stats, will his skillset match the facts of life?

This Win When for Athletes program is an athlete-focused inspirational series that carves a roadmap for professional development and performance enhancement after the final whistle blows.

Developed and presented by award-winning University of Pennsylvania social epidemiologist and Veterans’ Administration health scientist, Dr. Kevin Ahmaad Jenkins, he confronts how to harness their sports careers in business, build social networks, and cope with stress.

Win When for Athletes curates the best-practices of former professional athletes, veterans, and physicians that guide decision-making, health coping, and life skills in the sports arena and beyond.

After their playing days end, former athletes grapple with how to learn skills lifestyle that sports never offered. Dr. Jenkins uses his groundbreaking research, humor, and powerful storytelling to help athletes win when their sports career ends.